HARMONY - January 2013

2013 January

Happy New Year and happy Year Of Victory For A Youthful SGI!
The Harmony team would like to thank you for all your support in 2012 and we look forward to helping you deepen your understanding of Nichiren Daishonin’s Buddhism in 2013.
This year’s theme is one that should be embraced by all members of the SGI, not just the youth division. A youthful SGI has nothing to do with age but everything to do with spirit; an attitude of optimism and hope, not pessimism and despair. One working tirelessly, not only for one’s own happiness, but also for the happiness of others. Fully embracing the spirit of the oneness of mentor and disciple is a key component to this youthfulness. If you want proof of this, just look at President Ikeda. I am sure that everyone would agree that he is the embodiment of victory and a youthful spirit.
The Fountain of Youth is a legendary spring that reputedly restores the youth of anyone who drinks of its waters. Tales of such a fountain have been recounted across the world for thousands of years. We, in the SGI, have access to such a fountain, anytime we want; it is our Buddhist practice. By chanting Nam-myoho-renge-kyo with a correct attitude, reading the works of Nichiren Daishonin, the encouragement of President Ikeda, and participating in SGI activities, we are able to tap this fountain of youth and lead fulfilling and happy lives..the Month
President Ikeda reminds us of the following:
“The real meaning of youth has nothing to do with physical age. In Buddhist terms, youth means to consistently maintain an open, flexible and tolerant mind.”
“Life loses its dynamism from the moment we lose the passion with which to live it. No matter what our age, we cannot afford to let the flame within our heart grow dim. We do not become unhappy because we grow old. We become unhappy only when we grow ever more unwilling to change as we age.”

“Youthfulness is not determined by age. It is determined by one’s life force. One who possesses hope is forever young. One who continually advances is forever beautiful.”


Let’s set big goals for 2013, chant to our hearts’ content and take courageous action to make our wildest dreams become reality.
Happy Year Of Victory For A Youthful SGI!
Skip Williams

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